Yesterday was my nephew Jaxson's birthday party and it never fails, whenever my sister plans his birthday party, the weather man also predicts a snow storm. This year was no different.
It rained all day saturday then saturday night the temperature was supposed to drop and everything freeze. Fortunately though we didn't get the bad stuff until after his party had started so pretty much everyone was able to make it.
The snow continued to come down, the wind started blowing,the temperature was dropping, and before bedtime the school had called a two hour delay! We had a wonderful evening at home as a family and I was able to get the laundry all caught up and put away.
My sister called on her way to work at six o'clock this morning to tell me that school was cancelled. Snow Day! I was glad that I didn't have to get out in the nasty cold weather to take the girls to school, and everyone cooperated by sleeping in a little bit.
We finished putting stuff away so that we can hopefully get a couple more loads tomorrow. Late this afternoon we went to my sister's to get the kids Christmas pictures done. We actually got some decent pictures in a short time (six kids in less than an hour)
Now I am at home watching the kids play nicely with each other. Maybe we are really starting to get back to "normal"
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