November 14, 2010: The kids and I went to church. JR stayed home because he had worked the night before. Later that afternoon I went grocery shopping with my grandma and aunt.
November 15, 2010: Em had a dentist appointment and I took Addy to get her hair cut.
November 16, 2010: I spent the day doing laundry at my mom's because our washer was broken. Around 10 pm I began to have contractions.
November 17, 2010: 1 am: I called JR at work to let him know I was in labor. 3 am we arrived at the hospital. 3:20 am Our lives changed and our world was turned upside down when the doctor gave us the news. 5:05 am: Hudson Levi was born sleeping.
I have replayed these events over and over in my head trying to figure out if there was something I missed. Why didn't I notice something was wrong? While I remember these events so clearly the events after we got the news that he was gone are still a blur. The whole experience is still so surreal. Maybe it's better that way.
I think I allowed myself to understand the power my emotions would have over me the last few days. Part of me just wants to make the day go away but an even bigger part of me is excited to know that there will be a grand celebration in heaven.
We have made it a point to make this day special for the other kids. I think it is an important part of the healing process and they are excited about his "party" down here. Addy thinks we are having an actual party and has tried to invite everyone she knows. Emmaleigh has been writing letters and "helping" the younger kids write letters as well. I am amazed at some of the things her 7 year old mind comes up with. Here are some of the things she has written:
"happy birthday hudson. I love you Hudson. I miss you Hudson."
"God help Hudson I am good at school"
"I love you and miss you Hudson. You are a big brother. Our baby brother's name is Holden. He is cute and so are you. I will tell him about you."
(from Addy (but E wrote)) "I love you Hudson. I love God who you live with. I am your 5 year old sister Love Addy"
(from Landyn) "dear Hudson I like Munsters do you like Munsters (monsters)?"
Writing has become her outlet but I guess she gets that honestly.
Happy First Heavenly Birthday Hudson Levi!
Godspeed Little Man
Sweet Dreams Little Man
My love will fly
To You each night on angels wings
Godspeed, sweet dreams
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Welcome to the Holiday Season
With Thanksgiving less than a month away and Christmas less than two months away all I can say is Welcome to the Holiday season. All the stores have their Christmas displays out and have launched their Holiday ad campaigns. The last year has been one long roller coaster ride for us but I am excited about this Holiday season. For obvious reasons I was quite the bah humbug last year and couldn't seem to get into the Holiday spirit. While I tried to make the best of it for my children's sake it just wasn't the same. This year with my renewed sense of the Christmas spirit I am ready to take on the challenge of decorating the house, baking goodies for friends, family, and neighbors, traipsing through stores (most likely at the last minute) trying to find the perfect gift, and most importantly sharing the true meaning of the holiday with the ones I love.
To me the best part about the Holidays is passing on old traditions while establishing new traditions with my children. Some traditions we have established with our children is picking out and cutting down our own tree and making goodies with my sisters. Some of our old traditions include black Friday shopping early early early in the morning, and new pajamas on Christmas Eve. What are some of your favorite Holiday traditions?
To me the best part about the Holidays is passing on old traditions while establishing new traditions with my children. Some traditions we have established with our children is picking out and cutting down our own tree and making goodies with my sisters. Some of our old traditions include black Friday shopping early early early in the morning, and new pajamas on Christmas Eve. What are some of your favorite Holiday traditions?
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Time Flies
I can't believe how quickly time goes by. Holden is already a month old, yet it seems like we were just getting released from the hospital. In less than a month it will be Hudson's first heavenly birthday. We were talking about birthdays the other day and Emmaleigh asked me when Hudson's bitrthday was. When I told he it was November 17th she proceeded to ask if we were going to have a birthday party for him. While I myself had toyed with the idea of doing something I had not made mention of it to anyone else. In any case while we have not decided what we are going to do we are going to do something.
Emmaleigh is starting to take after her mom in that she uses writing as an outlet for her feelings. She has been writing letters to Hudson. In her latest letter to him she told him about his baby brother and how cute he was. She also told him she missed him and wished he could see Holden for himself. She is becoming quite the young lady and I am so proud of her. She got all A's on her report card and while we give her a hard time for being a suck up, it really makes a momma proud when the teacher tells you that your child is an encouragement to them. Every morning before class Emmaleigh writes her teacher a little note saying "I like school" or "you are nice".
I do not have as much time to write as I would like which drives my mind crazy sometimes. I have all these thoughts and feelings that I don't know what to do with so when I finally get a chance to write it seems like a bunch of rambling nonsense which I am sure is what is happenin now.
Emmaleigh is starting to take after her mom in that she uses writing as an outlet for her feelings. She has been writing letters to Hudson. In her latest letter to him she told him about his baby brother and how cute he was. She also told him she missed him and wished he could see Holden for himself. She is becoming quite the young lady and I am so proud of her. She got all A's on her report card and while we give her a hard time for being a suck up, it really makes a momma proud when the teacher tells you that your child is an encouragement to them. Every morning before class Emmaleigh writes her teacher a little note saying "I like school" or "you are nice".
I do not have as much time to write as I would like which drives my mind crazy sometimes. I have all these thoughts and feelings that I don't know what to do with so when I finally get a chance to write it seems like a bunch of rambling nonsense which I am sure is what is happenin now.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Welcome Baby Holden!
I haven't been able to post anything for quite sometime now because my computer crashed, but I have figured out how to post from my phone now. The last few months have been quite exciting. We had a great fun filled summer. Emmaleigh learned how to ride her bike without training wheels, Addy made progress in learning her numbers and letters, and Landyn is now completely potty trained. Everyone is enjoying school and doing well. At the end of August Landyn fell into a campfire and was flown by helicopter to Indianapolis, where he spent five days on Riley's burn unit. Fortunately his burns were not too severe and he did not have to have any skin grafts and is completely healed. Emmaleigh celebrated her seventh birthday and Landyn his third. My pregnancy went well for the most part but my doctor decided to do an amniocentesis at 37 weeks to check to see if baby Holden's lungs were mature. He did not look so good on he monitor after the teat so as soon as the results came back good two hours later my doctor sent me straight to the hospital so that he could induce me first thing the next morning.
At 1:02 p.m. on September 22, we welcomed Holden Thomas Snell into the world. He was what the doctor called a "moose" weighing in at 8 lbs 14 oz. Just a half hour he was born he was taken to the NICU where he would spend the next week. It took most of that time to get his blood sugars to stabilize and he had to spend a few days on oxygen and of course he became jaundiced and had to spend a couple days in the "tanning bed" as we explained it to the kids. There were a few days where it was frustrating and exhausting, but only because we were ready for him to be home so we could settle into our new routine, but we are so happy that he is here now and he is healthy.
He doesn't really look like the other kids. He has a full head of blonde hair (all the others had darker hair). Sometimes I wonder if that's a God thing because he shows no resemblance to Hudson.
At 1:02 p.m. on September 22, we welcomed Holden Thomas Snell into the world. He was what the doctor called a "moose" weighing in at 8 lbs 14 oz. Just a half hour he was born he was taken to the NICU where he would spend the next week. It took most of that time to get his blood sugars to stabilize and he had to spend a few days on oxygen and of course he became jaundiced and had to spend a couple days in the "tanning bed" as we explained it to the kids. There were a few days where it was frustrating and exhausting, but only because we were ready for him to be home so we could settle into our new routine, but we are so happy that he is here now and he is healthy.
He doesn't really look like the other kids. He has a full head of blonde hair (all the others had darker hair). Sometimes I wonder if that's a God thing because he shows no resemblance to Hudson.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
We Are Having A........
Boy! I went to the doctor today and they did an ultrasound. Everything looked good but he was wiggling around quite a bit so they are going to do another one at 28 weeks (I am 18 weeks 1 day) just to make sure they did not miss anything. It was great to see him moving around...pretty soon these little flutters I feel will become full fleged kicks and punches.
I have many more doctor's appointments and ultrasounds ahead of me but I wouldn't ask for it any other way. It is hard to believe that I am already half way there!
We have decided on a was much easier to come up with a boy's name this time around...not really sure why though.
So around October 11, 2011 we will welcome Holden Thomas Snell into the family!
I have many more doctor's appointments and ultrasounds ahead of me but I wouldn't ask for it any other way. It is hard to believe that I am already half way there!
We have decided on a was much easier to come up with a boy's name this time around...not really sure why though.
So around October 11, 2011 we will welcome Holden Thomas Snell into the family!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
15 weeks, 5 months, and 7 years

I am 15 weeks pregnant today and I had a doctor's appointment on friday. Everything went well and baby looks good. This baby I have learned is either stubborn or just likes its picture taken. The doctor could not find the baby's heartbeat with the doppler in the exam room which I am sure you can imagine how frightening it was for me. He decided not to stress me out and took me to get an ultrasound done. He still had a hard time finding baby's heartbeat but baby was wiggling around. At last there it was plugging away at 164, a strong healthy heartbeat. (big sigh of relief) My next appointment is May 11th and they will do my mid pregnancy ultrasound....will it be a boy or a girl? I will be taking a poll a few days before my appointment. No prize just the satisfaction of knowing you are right.
Today is baby Hudson's five month birthday. Another month has come and gone. I am constantly thinking about what he would be doing now. Would he be rolling over, almost crawling, have any teeth? When I told Addy about the new baby she asked if it was baby Hudson. It is hard for her to understand that this is a different baby in mommy's belly.
7 years ago today my husband and I got married. Even though things are rough between us right now I still love him and think of today as a special day. We did spend some time together this afternoon and it was good. We got along well.
Today was full of special memories and I wouldn't change any of them, they have made me who I am and are shaping me into what I will become
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Rainbow After The Storm

O.K. so I guess I have kept this from my blogging friends long enough, although I am thinking that maybe I should have shared this before I shared my other news, but thats ok. Hudson, along with Emmaleigh, Addyson, and Landyn, is going to be a big brother. Our little "rainbow" is expected to arrive in late september or early october.
This is not the ideal situation for me right now but I am going with it. As expected there is some anxiety going into this and I have already been having some very realistic dreams about how things go wrong. My doctor, however, is determined to help set my mind (and probably his) at ease throughout this pregnancy. I am currently at the end of my first trimester. (13 weeks tomorrow) Once I get to 24 weeks he will start seeing me every two weeks and when I get to 32 weeks I have decided to just set up camp at the doctor's office. He will see me every week and I will have nonstress tests and ultrasounds 2 times a week.
The above ultrasound was done almost two weeks ago at 11 1/2 weeks.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Four Months Stronger
I realize it has been almost a month since my last post. It is not because I haven't had anything to post, but more so that I haven't wanted to write about what has been going on. Telling everyone about it means that it is real, and I didn't want it to be real. Now I have learned to accept that my situation is what it is and I have to make the best of it. By now I am sure you are wondering what exactly is my situation.
A couple months ago my husband informed me that he was considering filing for divorce. After talking with some friends and people from church, he agreed to try counseling together but never followed through. Three weeks ago he found his own apartment and moved out. It has been quite the roller coaster ride but I am thankful to have friends and family to help me get through.
The weather has been beautiful the last week and last Thursday Addy,Landyn and I made a trip to the cemetery to visit baby Hudson. I can't believe it has been four months. The nice weather has also stirred up everyone's allergies. I had some kind of sinus thing going on this weekend and Emmaleigh now has viral bronchitis. Landyn is also getting over some kind of cold thing. What a way to start off spring break.
A couple months ago my husband informed me that he was considering filing for divorce. After talking with some friends and people from church, he agreed to try counseling together but never followed through. Three weeks ago he found his own apartment and moved out. It has been quite the roller coaster ride but I am thankful to have friends and family to help me get through.
The weather has been beautiful the last week and last Thursday Addy,Landyn and I made a trip to the cemetery to visit baby Hudson. I can't believe it has been four months. The nice weather has also stirred up everyone's allergies. I had some kind of sinus thing going on this weekend and Emmaleigh now has viral bronchitis. Landyn is also getting over some kind of cold thing. What a way to start off spring break.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The Bug!
Over the last week our house has been hit with various forms of the sick bug. Emmaleigh started off with Influenza B, followed by Addy with Strep Throat, and now today Landyn has Strep Throat. I think that Landyn has had it worse. His fever spiked to over 104 and is still having trouble keeping much down. He is so puny and pathetic.
For many reasons I am praying that this sickness skips over me. Aside from the simple fact that it is just no fun being sick, I really don't have time for it. Lucky for me though, strep throat tends to be my specialty.
The girls are continuing to do well in their new schools, but after some discussion with Addy's speech therapist and her preschool teacher, we have decided that it will be benificial for Addy to have another year of preschool before starting kindergarten. While she has made significant progress in the last couple months, she still is just not ready. It is also time to start thinking about sending Landyn to preschool next year.
We signed Emmaleigh up for softball last weekend and she is so excited about it. She can't wait until it actually begins. She also informed me she wants to do cheerleading and play soccer. I can see where this is headed. Since poor Addy doesn't have the coordination to play softball we are trying to find another activity for her. It seems as though she takes after her daddy and has taken to swimming quite well so that is probably the route we will pursue. Landyn is in love with any sport that involves a ball and has quite an arm on him. Fortunately I still have a couple years on him.
Now that I have a new keyboard that is not missing keys I am hoping to udate more often. (O.K. so maybe thats an excuse but I promise to make the effort)
For many reasons I am praying that this sickness skips over me. Aside from the simple fact that it is just no fun being sick, I really don't have time for it. Lucky for me though, strep throat tends to be my specialty.
The girls are continuing to do well in their new schools, but after some discussion with Addy's speech therapist and her preschool teacher, we have decided that it will be benificial for Addy to have another year of preschool before starting kindergarten. While she has made significant progress in the last couple months, she still is just not ready. It is also time to start thinking about sending Landyn to preschool next year.
We signed Emmaleigh up for softball last weekend and she is so excited about it. She can't wait until it actually begins. She also informed me she wants to do cheerleading and play soccer. I can see where this is headed. Since poor Addy doesn't have the coordination to play softball we are trying to find another activity for her. It seems as though she takes after her daddy and has taken to swimming quite well so that is probably the route we will pursue. Landyn is in love with any sport that involves a ball and has quite an arm on him. Fortunately I still have a couple years on him.
Now that I have a new keyboard that is not missing keys I am hoping to udate more often. (O.K. so maybe thats an excuse but I promise to make the effort)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Stepping Stones
I know it has been a couple weeks since I have posted anything. We got hit with a nasty snow/ice storm and now it is in the upper 50's. Addy had a good birthday party despite the weather. Emmaleigh spent the beginning of the week home sick. She was begging me to let her go back by wednesday.
We received our picture CD and DVD slide show of Hudson from our photographer. I was so excited to see them but I think I allowed myself to underestimate how hard it would truly be to see them. It has been three months today. I can't believe how quickly time has gone. I am stronger today than I was yesterday and I will be stronger tomorrow than I was today. God has brought many people into my life through this experience, and while I regret that we had to meet under these circumstances I am truly thankful for their friendship. I am also thankful for my family and friends who have been there through everything. I don't know where I would be without them. I Love you all.
Together We Walk the Stepping Stones
by Barb Williams
Come, take my hand, the road is long.
We must travel by stepping stones.
No, you're not alone. I've been there.
Don't fear the darkness. I'll be with you.
We must take one step at a time.
But remember, we may have to stop awhile.
It's a long way to the other side
And there are many obstacles.
We have many stones to cross.
Some are bigger than others.
Shock, denial, and anger to start.
Then comes guilt, despair, and loneliness.
It's a hard road to travel, but it must be done.
It's the only way to reach the other side.
Come, slip your hand in mind.
What? Oh, yes, it's strong.
I've held so many hands like yours.
Yes, mine was once small and weak like yours.
Once, you see, I had to take someone's hand
In order to take the first step.
Oops! You've stumbled. Go ahead and cry.
Don't be ashamed. I understand.
Let's wait here awhile so that you can get your breath.
When you're stronger, we'll go on, one step at a time.
There's no need to hurry.
Say, it's nice to hear you laugh.
Yes, I agree, the memories you shared are good.
Look, we're halfway there now.
I can see the other side.
It looks so warm and sunny.
On, have you noticed? We're nearing the last stone
And you're standing alone.
And look, your hand, you've let go of mine.
We've reached the other side.
But wait, look back, someone is standing there.
They are alone and want to cross the stepping stones.
I'd better go. They need my help.
What? Are you sure?
Why, yes, go ahead. I'll wait.
You know the way.
You've been there.
Yes, I agree. It's your turn, my friend . . .
To help someone else cross the stepping stones.
We received our picture CD and DVD slide show of Hudson from our photographer. I was so excited to see them but I think I allowed myself to underestimate how hard it would truly be to see them. It has been three months today. I can't believe how quickly time has gone. I am stronger today than I was yesterday and I will be stronger tomorrow than I was today. God has brought many people into my life through this experience, and while I regret that we had to meet under these circumstances I am truly thankful for their friendship. I am also thankful for my family and friends who have been there through everything. I don't know where I would be without them. I Love you all.
Together We Walk the Stepping Stones
by Barb Williams
Come, take my hand, the road is long.
We must travel by stepping stones.
No, you're not alone. I've been there.
Don't fear the darkness. I'll be with you.
We must take one step at a time.
But remember, we may have to stop awhile.
It's a long way to the other side
And there are many obstacles.
We have many stones to cross.
Some are bigger than others.
Shock, denial, and anger to start.
Then comes guilt, despair, and loneliness.
It's a hard road to travel, but it must be done.
It's the only way to reach the other side.
Come, slip your hand in mind.
What? Oh, yes, it's strong.
I've held so many hands like yours.
Yes, mine was once small and weak like yours.
Once, you see, I had to take someone's hand
In order to take the first step.
Oops! You've stumbled. Go ahead and cry.
Don't be ashamed. I understand.
Let's wait here awhile so that you can get your breath.
When you're stronger, we'll go on, one step at a time.
There's no need to hurry.
Say, it's nice to hear you laugh.
Yes, I agree, the memories you shared are good.
Look, we're halfway there now.
I can see the other side.
It looks so warm and sunny.
On, have you noticed? We're nearing the last stone
And you're standing alone.
And look, your hand, you've let go of mine.
We've reached the other side.
But wait, look back, someone is standing there.
They are alone and want to cross the stepping stones.
I'd better go. They need my help.
What? Are you sure?
Why, yes, go ahead. I'll wait.
You know the way.
You've been there.
Yes, I agree. It's your turn, my friend . . .
To help someone else cross the stepping stones.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Happy Birthday Addy Bear!

The bear turned five today, I cant believe it has been that long. She had the nickname bear long before she was born, but it turns out it was a very fitting name for her. She was a very grumbly little baby, and can still be a very grumbly child.
She got to be the "Big Cheese" at school today. We made purple rice krispie treats for snack, took show and tell, and got to be the line leader. She was so excited.
We are having her party this coming sunday, providing that we are not snowed in.
We are expecting up to a foot of snow over the next couple days plus some ice. We also expecting high winds reducing visibility and making roads almost impossible to clear. I am so ready for nicer weather.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Back By Popular Demand
Ok, so maybe not popular demand but I have had a couple people ask when I was going to update my blog. The fact of the matter is, there just hasn't been a lot to write about. When I end up doing almost the same thing everyday, it is hard to come up with things to write about,nor have I had anymore entertaining "kidisms" to share. The past week has brought some challenges to my life but it also brought some answers to prayer!
My morning started off early. Landyn was wide awake at 6 a.m. and super cranky. I got the girls up and got them ready for school. Emmaleigh got on the bus at 7:45 and JR took Addy to school, while Landyn went back to bed. I could have gone back to bed with him but I was watching my neice for a little while.
At 10:30 I got a phone call from the school. I was really hoping they weren't calling to tell me Emmaleigh was sick. They weren't. It was the speech pathologist calling to see if I had forgotten about Addy's annual case conference. Oops! Indeed I had. I hurried to get ready and fortunately we only live a couple minutes from the school. I made it there by 10:50.
We discussed some of the changes we wanted to make to Addy's IEP and decided to add a couple goals as well as getting an OT evaluation for fine motor skills. Addy is doing really well in her new class and fitting right in. She is much happier!
My morning started off early. Landyn was wide awake at 6 a.m. and super cranky. I got the girls up and got them ready for school. Emmaleigh got on the bus at 7:45 and JR took Addy to school, while Landyn went back to bed. I could have gone back to bed with him but I was watching my neice for a little while.
At 10:30 I got a phone call from the school. I was really hoping they weren't calling to tell me Emmaleigh was sick. They weren't. It was the speech pathologist calling to see if I had forgotten about Addy's annual case conference. Oops! Indeed I had. I hurried to get ready and fortunately we only live a couple minutes from the school. I made it there by 10:50.
We discussed some of the changes we wanted to make to Addy's IEP and decided to add a couple goals as well as getting an OT evaluation for fine motor skills. Addy is doing really well in her new class and fitting right in. She is much happier!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Love That Boy
"Jax just told me that when he was still a baby he was in heaven and he saw Jessica's baby there and he saw Jesus. He (Jesus) was walking around and picked up baby Hudson and sat in a rocking chair. He sang him twinkle twinkle and gave him a bottle. He was very detailed about it and so serious"
This was a text message my sister sent me just a few minutes ago. Jax is her four year old son and he always knows just what to say. I have a lot going on in my life right now, a lot of which I haven't shared. It brought tears to my eyes, but they were happy tears. Who is to question the innocence of a child?
It wasn't until after my sister had sent me that text that I realized what day it was. It has been two months since Hudson was born, where has the time gone. That just makes what Jax said that much more meaningful. When I pointed it out to my sister that I didn't realize what day it was until after she sent that text she told me that its a sign that I am moving on and can get through the 17th without being drowned in sorrow....I can still remember and feel the pain but also get through it. I couldn't agree more.
This was a text message my sister sent me just a few minutes ago. Jax is her four year old son and he always knows just what to say. I have a lot going on in my life right now, a lot of which I haven't shared. It brought tears to my eyes, but they were happy tears. Who is to question the innocence of a child?
It wasn't until after my sister had sent me that text that I realized what day it was. It has been two months since Hudson was born, where has the time gone. That just makes what Jax said that much more meaningful. When I pointed it out to my sister that I didn't realize what day it was until after she sent that text she told me that its a sign that I am moving on and can get through the 17th without being drowned in sorrow....I can still remember and feel the pain but also get through it. I couldn't agree more.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Dinner with the Sisters
In the last two weeks I think there has only been two nights where one of my sisters has not been at our house for dinner. My brother in law asked me if I got tired of everyone being at my house every night, and of course I said no! I have always felt that it is easier to cook for everyone than just for us. We always plan our meals the night before and whoever is coming brings something that we need. This weeks meals have included chicken parmesan, tacos, steak and baked potatoes, and orange chicken with stir fry veggies and rice.
The kids all enjoy playing together and it is wonderful that they all will be going to the same school (except I feel sorry for the teachers that will have them one right after the other for six years straight.)
The weatherman has predicted yet another round of snow (YUK!) It is supposed to snow Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I am really hoping spring comes soon so we can walk to the park and let the kids play til they drop.
This weekend I have decided it is time to tackle the garage. We have so much unpack still, but I am usually doing good to keep up on whats already in the house.
The kids all enjoy playing together and it is wonderful that they all will be going to the same school (except I feel sorry for the teachers that will have them one right after the other for six years straight.)
The weatherman has predicted yet another round of snow (YUK!) It is supposed to snow Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I am really hoping spring comes soon so we can walk to the park and let the kids play til they drop.
This weekend I have decided it is time to tackle the garage. We have so much unpack still, but I am usually doing good to keep up on whats already in the house.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Snow is nice (for Christmas), but it has been snowing here since about six o'clock this morning. (a total of about 5 inches) It wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to get out in it, but the girls still had school today and my husband still had to go to work (I think they have only shut down once in the 4 years he has worked there). It also wouldn't be so bad if it weren't cold! So I say....snow snow go away!
Addy started her new school yesterday and she is doing great! She is so happy when she comes home, instead of having a meltdown every two seconds. I know how much she is eating because the teacher sends a note home with her letting me know, and I know what she can do on her own and what she has to have help with. She also does not cry when I drop her off, she is such a big girl! I can't explain how much of a relief it is to know that she enjoys school and she is getting the help she needs.
Emmaleigh seems to have adjusted well to her new classroom. She goes to bed easily and gets up without a fight in the mornings. She told me today that she didn't have time to drink her juice at lunch because she was too busy eating but personally I think she was too busy socializing.
Landyn, well he is a boy, and I think he may have hit the terrible twos. His new favorite phrase is "no I not". He is a climber and knows how to get into the snack cabinet. Just like his dad, he thinks he has to be eating every minute he is awake. When he thinks he might be getting ready to get in trouble he will climb up and snuggle and sweetly say "Hi Mommy". Oh how I love that little man!
Addy started her new school yesterday and she is doing great! She is so happy when she comes home, instead of having a meltdown every two seconds. I know how much she is eating because the teacher sends a note home with her letting me know, and I know what she can do on her own and what she has to have help with. She also does not cry when I drop her off, she is such a big girl! I can't explain how much of a relief it is to know that she enjoys school and she is getting the help she needs.
Emmaleigh seems to have adjusted well to her new classroom. She goes to bed easily and gets up without a fight in the mornings. She told me today that she didn't have time to drink her juice at lunch because she was too busy eating but personally I think she was too busy socializing.
Landyn, well he is a boy, and I think he may have hit the terrible twos. His new favorite phrase is "no I not". He is a climber and knows how to get into the snack cabinet. Just like his dad, he thinks he has to be eating every minute he is awake. When he thinks he might be getting ready to get in trouble he will climb up and snuggle and sweetly say "Hi Mommy". Oh how I love that little man!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Writer's Block
It seems odd that I would write a blog when I don't have anything to write about. We didn't do a lot this shopping, church, and a birthday party.
Noone really wants to read about the grocery shopping.....I will tell you that the kids and my husband are happy that we once again have snacks in the house. (Now if I can just keep them from eating everything in one day)
I can spend all night writing about church and how God has blessed us with such a loving church family, but I will just say that I am excited about what this year has in store for us, and I am ready to learn and grow in many areas of my life.
The birthday party we attended was for the son of a dear friend. She has four children the same ages as our four. Westin is just a few weeks older than Addy. The kids played a lot together when her and I worked at the same childcare, and they played well together today. Emmaleigh begged me to let her stay and play. We haven't done a lot together recently but our conversations always seem to pick up where they leave off.
I also want to take this time to thank everyone for all the positive feedback and for taking the time to read my blog. I started this blog to be able to put into words the emotions I was feeling and knew I would never be able to speak them, but having people actually read them is an added bonus.
Noone really wants to read about the grocery shopping.....I will tell you that the kids and my husband are happy that we once again have snacks in the house. (Now if I can just keep them from eating everything in one day)
I can spend all night writing about church and how God has blessed us with such a loving church family, but I will just say that I am excited about what this year has in store for us, and I am ready to learn and grow in many areas of my life.
The birthday party we attended was for the son of a dear friend. She has four children the same ages as our four. Westin is just a few weeks older than Addy. The kids played a lot together when her and I worked at the same childcare, and they played well together today. Emmaleigh begged me to let her stay and play. We haven't done a lot together recently but our conversations always seem to pick up where they leave off.
I also want to take this time to thank everyone for all the positive feedback and for taking the time to read my blog. I started this blog to be able to put into words the emotions I was feeling and knew I would never be able to speak them, but having people actually read them is an added bonus.
Friday, January 7, 2011
A School for Addy
Since we moved we have been searching for a new school for Addy. This was not an easy task, especially being in the middle of the year (but nothing is easy with Addy). We had to make sure that the school had a program comparable to what she was in and make sure that it would meet her needs. Her new class is much smaller and I think the teacher is more willing to work with her on an individual level. We had a conference this afternoon to discuss the program that we found, and I feel comfortable with the decision to send her to this school.
Yesterday I took her to meet the teacher and see the classroom. The teacher expressed concerns that she couldn't write her name but if confident that with a little one on one, she can get her caught up. After looking over her IEP, the speech pathologist realized that her speech goals had not been updated since she was first evaluated two years ago. No wonder she was reaching her speech goals yet not seeming to make progress, he speech goal are not age appropriate.
We will have her annual case conference in a couple weeks so we can hopefully develop a better plan of action. I am looking forward to see how she progresses and maybe she will be ready for kindergarten next year after all.
Yesterday I took her to meet the teacher and see the classroom. The teacher expressed concerns that she couldn't write her name but if confident that with a little one on one, she can get her caught up. After looking over her IEP, the speech pathologist realized that her speech goals had not been updated since she was first evaluated two years ago. No wonder she was reaching her speech goals yet not seeming to make progress, he speech goal are not age appropriate.
We will have her annual case conference in a couple weeks so we can hopefully develop a better plan of action. I am looking forward to see how she progresses and maybe she will be ready for kindergarten next year after all.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Letters to Hudson

We first watched Letters to God this summer and liked it so much that we decided to buy it. For those of you who haven't seen it, I reccommend watching it. It is about a little boy with cancer who writes letters to God and puts them in the mail. He encourages those around him to do the same. I can't count how many times Emmaleigh has watched this movie but it has obviously touched her in some way.
Emmaleigh has never really said a whole lot about Hudson, so imagine my surprise when she asked if she could color a picture for him. (which ended up being 3 pictures) She told me she wanted to send them to him in heaven. I asked her how she was going to send them and at first she said she would just go put them on his grave. After thinking about it she says "no, I will put it in the mail box and send it to him like in that movie" I didn't have any envelopes but that didn't matter, she made one herself and then asked me how to write the "address" on it.
The innocence of a child will never cease to amaze me. If only life were as simple as a child perceives it to be.
I would like to send a letter to heaven
and address it to the one I love.
My child has left this world,
to be with the Lord above.
I would tell her that I love her,
and that I miss her loving touch.
I would say we’re lost without her
and we miss her - - oh so much.
I would ask if she could visit,
if we promised not to cry.
Maybe one more time to see her
We forgot to say "Good-bye."
We will try to control our emotions
we truly feel we could.
So please - - we need a visit.
We promise we'll be good.
It is so hard, we miss her.
Oh Lord, this feeling is the worst.
We know you gave her to us,
yes, we know you had her first.
But you called her prematurely,
I'm sorry I question your will.
I know you have your reasons
but Lord - - I miss her still.
If you'd only make an exception
please consider what we plea.
It is so hard accepting that our daughter
- - We will never see.
Oh baby I write you this letter
with all the love there is to be had.
Because it's just not me who's hurting
there's your brother and your dad.
We need so much to see you,
then we'll try to let you rest.
But if not in this world, baby,
then we'll see you in the next.
So I’m sending a letter to heaven,
and pray you hear my plea.
But if the answer is not what I’m asking --
Lord come and rescue me!
(Paula Osipovitch)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Letting Go
Yesterday brought a new set of emotions. Ones I have never experienced before and I'm not even sure if I can fully explain their intensity. I first felt a wave of comfort and peace and then an overwhelming sense of sadness sunk in. I was experiencing both feelings at the same time but they weren't competing with each other...I just felt them equally and together.
It didn't take me long to realize what was happening. I had finally allowed myself to let go and feel something,and even if it was sadness, I was comfortable with it. Now that I have felt it, the overwhelming sense will eventually become a dull lingering sense of sadness. It was like a weight was lifted off my chest and I could breathe again.
I can only move forward from here and I am excited to see what God has in store for my family and myself in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead.
It didn't take me long to realize what was happening. I had finally allowed myself to let go and feel something,and even if it was sadness, I was comfortable with it. Now that I have felt it, the overwhelming sense will eventually become a dull lingering sense of sadness. It was like a weight was lifted off my chest and I could breathe again.
I can only move forward from here and I am excited to see what God has in store for my family and myself in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I had my six week check up with my doctor yesterday and I was so nervous. My stomach was turning and I couldn't sit still in the waiting room. It didn't help that I got there forty five minutes early (hoping to get in early)and having to wait the whole forty five minutes. Also adding insult to injury, yesterday seemed to be the day for six week check ups because there were several women there with newborn babies. I knew I didn't have a reason to be nervous, but I wasn't ready to make any decisions. My doctor was very understanding and knew that it was too soon to make any long term decisions so we settled on something more for the short term and I go back in two months. I left the doctor's office feeling good about the plan. I am so thankful to have the doctor I do and the funny thing is that I was initially supposed to see a different doctor in that office but I had to change an appointment at the beginning of my pregnancy and I ended up with this doctor instead.
I wasn't the only one who had a case of nervousness. We thought Emmaleigh would start her new school today. She was excited but I think a little nervous as well. The nervousness was apparent when we went to enroll her this morning. She was very quiet and didn't talk to anyone. She was disappointed when we found out that she wouldn't be able to start until tomorrow morning.
I struggled with getting the younger two to get back into the routine last night and they slept in this morning so I may have trouble again tonight. Addy has already started worrying about her new school and we haven't finalized the plans for that. I hope that she is able to adjust well.
I wasn't the only one who had a case of nervousness. We thought Emmaleigh would start her new school today. She was excited but I think a little nervous as well. The nervousness was apparent when we went to enroll her this morning. She was very quiet and didn't talk to anyone. She was disappointed when we found out that she wouldn't be able to start until tomorrow morning.
I struggled with getting the younger two to get back into the routine last night and they slept in this morning so I may have trouble again tonight. Addy has already started worrying about her new school and we haven't finalized the plans for that. I hope that she is able to adjust well.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Old TIme Christmas
We had Christmas with my dad's side of the family this afternoon and it was the closest we have had to the Christmas's we used to have before my grandparents passed away. When it was time to open gifts all the kids sat on the floor around the tree, waiting somewhat patiently, while my dad passed out the gifts just like my grandpa used to. Afterward the kids went off to play with their new toys while the adults played cards. (it was nice to be on the adult side of the table this time). Thank you everyone who came, it was great, and if you weren't able to come, we missed you! Even though we were celebrating Christmas it was a great way to start off the new year. Before the last of our company was out the door, we began to take down the tree. I was sad to take it down as I am every year but it was definately time. I have already been looking around at clearance items to start my shopping for next year.
We finally got everything moved (the garage is packed full now) and have began putting it all away. I have determined that we had way too much stuff and am now trying weed things out. Unfortunately my camera is broken or I would add some photos of the new house. I am hoping to find my warranty papers so I can get it fixed (not so easy to do when you are in the middle of moving)
Christmas break is almost over for the girls. Emmaleigh starts at her new school on tuesday and she still seems to be excited. It will take a little longer to get Addy started at her new school because we still have to finalize the plans and have a case conference. I am hoping that it will be a smooth transition for her and that she will thrive at her new school.
We finally got everything moved (the garage is packed full now) and have began putting it all away. I have determined that we had way too much stuff and am now trying weed things out. Unfortunately my camera is broken or I would add some photos of the new house. I am hoping to find my warranty papers so I can get it fixed (not so easy to do when you are in the middle of moving)
Christmas break is almost over for the girls. Emmaleigh starts at her new school on tuesday and she still seems to be excited. It will take a little longer to get Addy started at her new school because we still have to finalize the plans and have a case conference. I am hoping that it will be a smooth transition for her and that she will thrive at her new school.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
A New Year, A New Beginning!

Yesterday was my birthday, and I had a wonderful evening with my mom and dad. They came over for dinner and we played cards and board games with the kids. The girls gave me some laughs yesterday and Addy even seemed excited that I was “old”. Now that I am one year closer and one year away from being thirty, it doesn’t seem as old as it once did. (like when I was 18). I didn’t ask for anything for my birthday this year because the one thing I really wanted, I knew I couldn’t have (at least not right now, but one of these days!), but as I was leaving my house yesterday morning, there was a beautiful rainbow over our small town. It was rather fitting to see a rainbow on New Year’s Eve, as it symbolizes a new beginning. It was like my little boy was telling me that everything would be ok. 2010 provided us with a lot of heartbreak but also a lot to be thankful for. If it weren’t for our family and friends that surrounded us during the difficult times it would have been a lot more difficult to make it through.
As we are making our New Year’s resolutions ( diet, exercise, etc), I challenge everyone to remember what really matters in life. Hold on to those you love and put your trust in God. I am praying for strength, comfort, and peace as we head into the New Year and can’t wait to find out what God has in store for us in 2011!
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