Sunday, January 9, 2011

Writer's Block

It seems odd that I would write a blog when I don't have anything to write about. We didn't do a lot this shopping, church, and a birthday party.
Noone really wants to read about the grocery shopping.....I will tell you that the kids and my husband are happy that we once again have snacks in the house. (Now if I can just keep them from eating everything in one day)
I can spend all night writing about church and how God has blessed us with such a loving church family, but I will just say that I am excited about what this year has in store for us, and I am ready to learn and grow in many areas of my life.
The birthday party we attended was for the son of a dear friend. She has four children the same ages as our four. Westin is just a few weeks older than Addy. The kids played a lot together when her and I worked at the same childcare, and they played well together today. Emmaleigh begged me to let her stay and play. We haven't done a lot together recently but our conversations always seem to pick up where they leave off.
I also want to take this time to thank everyone for all the positive feedback and for taking the time to read my blog. I started this blog to be able to put into words the emotions I was feeling and knew I would never be able to speak them, but having people actually read them is an added bonus.

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